B-hyve Pro

B-hyve Pro Technician (BHP101)

From this course you will learn details on using the B-hyve Pro App. Upon successful completion of this course you will be awarded a certificate and Hydro-Rain will send you an email link to a selection of gear (hoodie, mugs, t-shirt, hat) - (check your junk mail box)

We are upgrading this course to reflect the changes in version 3 of the app.
  • Section 1 - Overview
  • B-hyve Pro App Overview
  • B-hyve Pro App Overview
  • Section 2 - Station/Zone Details & Programming
  • B-hyve Pro Zone Details
  • B-hyve Pro Zone Details
  • Setting a Traditional Program
  • Setting a Traditional Program - Test
  • Section 3 - Calendar
  • B-hyve Pro App Calendar
  • B-hyve Pro App Calendar - Test
  • Section 4 - Watering, History, and Notifications
  • Watering History and Notifications
  • Watering History and Notifications - Test
  • B-hyve Pro Manual Watering
  • B-hyve Pro Manual Watering - Test
  • Section 5 - Settings and Details Screens
  • Device Details Screen
  • Device Details Screen - Test
  • Account Settings
  • Account Settings - Test
  • Help Features
  • survey
Completion rules
  • You must complete the units "Setting a Traditional Program - Test, B-hyve Pro App Calendar - Test, Watering History and Notifications - Test, B-hyve Pro Manual Watering - Test, Device Details Screen - Test, Account Settings - Test"
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: 1 year